
StellarEmploy knows how to find and attract applicants for your frontline workforce. Our team harnesses the power of communication and technology to find and connect with potential applicants.

Successful sourcing starts with client data and input. We get to know you and your business processes, environments, teams, and workers who thrive.


Client insights provide our starting point: revamping jargony job descriptions for clarity and approachability. 

We turn a typical list of duties into a ‘day-in-the-life’ job profile. Each profile informs the corresponding marketing assets we design and deploy: customized landing pages, targeted advertisements, platform postings, and 1:1 targeted messaging.


Technology presents us with many opportunities in recruiting - but the abundance can become overwhelming. StellarEmploy’s team knows tech because we also build tech. 

We stay current on hiring platforms, marketing platforms, website platforms, and applicant tracking software. From advertising on social media to searching, targeting, and inviting job seekers on hiring platforms, we do it all - efficiently and effectively.